Desert Views

Just miscellaneous stuff from around here...

Tucson Mountains

The Tucson Mountains with Fouquieria splendens (Ocotillo) in bloom, Easter Sunday, 2004. Also shown are a few Carnegia gigantea (Saguaro) cacti.

Mammillaria grahamii

This is an old plant with 18 heads found growing on my property. July 2004.

Family, Less Me

This shows my wife, Teresa, and my children Eric (7) and Heather (5) enjoying a hike to some petroglyphs in a desert canyon in April 2004. I took the photo. Eric is determined to find them; Heather would rather go home.

Agave Detail

Bud prints and teeth on the leaves of Agave americana var. expansa.

Optics Lesson

Refraction and reflection of light by water droplets on the glochids of Opuntia violaceae subsp santarita. Notice the images of other pads inside the elliptical shadows below the droplets.


A fly anticipates a yummy meal from the scent of a Hoodia gordonii flower.

Mourning Dove Nest

Mourning Dove family in Opuntia versicolor x spinosior, a common natural hybrid, with Acacia greggii ("Catclaw Acacia") behind.

Quercus arizonica

This Arizona white oak had a tough time finding dirt for its roots. Tree height is about 15 feet. Kitt Peak, Arizona, 6,300 feet elevation.

Kids in Northern AZ

My son, almost 3, and daughter, almost 1, sitting in front of a Gentian on crumbling volcanic basalt, ca. 8,000 ft elevation, north of Williams, Arizona.

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